Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hold on... Where You Going?
I have many conversations throughout the day and there is one thing that comes to mind after hearing many of these conversations, “I am not content/happy!” There is something in our life (sometimes many things) that does not let us enjoy the present moment, hard work, and dedication that we are putting forth. There is always a person, job, class, or bill that always haunts us and makes it difficult for us to put on a smile and keep moving forward. Just because I write these motivational pieces does not mean that I am not susceptible to this. I am also a person who becomes affected by the situation and let my feelings and emotions get the best of me. At the present moment, I am going through a difficult time with one of my jobs. I can feel a cloud of negativity and anger loom once I enter into the building. There is fear around every corner, the “dog eat dog” mentality runs wild because the company is going bankrupt, and nobody seems to be happy in life. I feel that all of my energy is suffocated out of my body because I just cannot find a way to bring some positive energy into their lives and therefore make it a more relaxed environment. This is very similar to many situations that you all are feeling. Some may have a relationship or ex-relationship that is making them feel this way; others may be getting stressed out by a class or professor that they are taking or by the fact that they do not know what they want to do with their professional lives; and then there are others who are swamped with debt that is making them question their own life (like the unfortunate murder-suicide in L.A.); but the one thing that we all have in common is that we let these situations cloud or judgment and run our lives.
The one thing that I have asked myself is, “When is enough, really enough.” How can we actually let go of the thing(s) that stop us from being content? It’s impossible isn’t it? Not so. I believe that sometimes in life we have to let go of things very close to us in order to feel content in life. I am not saying that in all situations we have to let go of the person, job, etc. that is affecting us. Sometimes we have to do other things like letting go of the past or believing in ourselves. There are also times where we can assist in making the situation positive and worthwhile. But when none of that works, what do we do next? You have to have some strong faith in yourself to believe that you will be a better individual by letting go. You might stress about not having money to pay the bills or being alone. If you believe in yourself, another opportunity will soon arise where you will most likely be have the money and security necessary to feel fortunate and content.
My belief is, and has always been, that everything in life happens for a reason and everything is right where it is supposed to be. Therefore, every path that you are on is a journey for you to find your true calling in life. Your job is to find out if the path will take you to your true calling or if you have to jump off of that path and get on another one. Therefore, if you can’t fix the situation or make it a more positive experience then you have to leave that path behind and follow your intuitions into a path better fit for you to make the most out of life. Remember to leave your comments and insight. Your successful accomplishments will motivate everyone else to do the same. Like always, I am always just a “Send Message” click away if you need me. Live life to its fullest, one day at a time!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Let Go of the Past
Are you living life in the present moment? Are you enjoying every moment as it comes to you? Are you sure? Or are you trying to be happy throughout life but feel that something is always holding you down or pulling you back? If you do feel stuck there is one main reason for this, you have not let go of the past. You are not truly living every moment as it comes to you because you are worried, angry, or in pain due to something that happened to you a few minutes, months, or years ago. You are not living the present day because every day is not the present day for you, it is the past. Sounds weird? Well think about it this way: Three years ago, someone came along and hurt your feelings. Today (the present day), you wake up angry because you heard the person’s name the night before. Now you walk around the entire day angry and upset with every single person that you come in contact with in the present day. You carry everyone into your past situation because you bring it with you everywhere you go. Therefore, you do not get to enjoy all of the conversations, relationships, friendships, etc. that you have in the present day. You will never make any positive connections in the present day because you are stuck in the negative connections of the past.
Have you ever sat down and made an analysis of your life? I challenge you to do so! Do you want to be happy? Do you want to stop feeling anger, pain, resentment, betrayal? I have to solution for you and you don’t have to pay or do anything intensive to participate. Take time out of your busy day and work on the following experience. Grab a paper and writing utensil and sit down in a quiet, comfortable environment. Separate the page into four columns: Situation/Relationship, Is it Affecting Me, Goal/Amount of Time to Get Rid of Pain/Date that you Succeeded. In the first column, write down every painful situation/relationship that you have gone through in your lifetime. Try as hard as you can to remember as many of them as possible because it will help you maximize the success of the experiment. In the second column, write a “Yes” if it is still affecting you and a “No” if it is not affecting you anymore. In the third column, set a goal (time frame) for you to stop feeling all of the emotions that come from this situation. In the final column, write down the date that you succeeded in your goal of stopping the affects of the situation/relationship; this is helpful because you can reflect on it if you ever feel an emotion try to creep back into your mind.
"Ok Joel I wrote it all out but it hasn’t helped me feel different. What now?" Well now that you have all of the situations on paper, you have a visual of what affects you (your personality, mental state, health, etc.) on a daily basis and you can work towards stopping these affects. The first step is letting go of the situation and the feelings that come along with it. This is a very difficult step, but it is the most rewarding as well. I understand that sometimes the situation may be very painful and it may hurt you to reflect on it. You have to face the situation and move on or it will overpower you for the rest of your life. There are various ways to get past this first step: Many friends have used me as a sponge that absorbed every word and every feeling from a painful situation by just talking to me about it and letting everything go. Find someone that you trust or, more importantly, someone that will not be judgmental or bias against you and let it all go (words, feelings, tears, etc.). Once you do that, you will feel “lighter” because much of the weight of the situation has been lifted off of your shoulders. It is understandable if you do not feel comfortable doing that, therefore the next best thing would be writing it out. Write until your hands get tired and take out all of your pain on the paper/keyboard. Just like the conversation, you have to let it all go until you feel “lighter.” Then just print out the paper, and dispose of it (burn it, shred it, etc.). Once that part is done, you will probably be able to go back to the sheet you created and see that you accomplished a goal. If you are still being affected, the next step would be to write a letter to the person that created the situation. Write a formal letter and write down what you are feeling because of the situation/relationship that you went through. Once you write that, do a chart that shows the positive times and the negative times in the relationship. Next to the negative times, write down all of the feelings that you felt. Next to the positive times, write down the feelings that you felt. In the final part of the paper, write about the positive times in the situation/relationship and how good you felt through them. Finally end with these words: “I have been holding onto this situation/relationship for (amount of time) and have let it run my life because I was not able to accept it and move on. I now see that I learned many things from it and became a much better person because of it. I thank you very much for the lessons that I have learned and I truly forgive you for it.” Once you finish the letter, reflect on it and make sure that you are fully satisfied and ready to forgive and move on. Once you are you can go back to the sheet and see that you accomplished your goals.
Try this experiment out and watch how much better you will feel afterwards. You will learn to move away from the past and live in the present moment. Watch how positive your life, and everything around you, becomes afterwards. I challenge you to change your life for the better and gain some positivity from this experience. Remember to leave your comments and insight on the ways that you were positively affected by the challenge. Your successful accomplishments will motivate everyone else to do the same. Like always, I am always just a “Send Message” click away if you need me. Live life to its fullest, one day at a time!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Yes We Did??
Today is a very historic day in our lifetime and I am very proud to have witnessed it. I take great pride in being able to realize the dream and passion of individuals like the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unfortunately, there are many individuals who do not understand the magnitude of the crisis that is occurring in the United States. I was flipping through my local radio stations while driving around and I heard an interesting announcement come across the speakers. There was a commercial talking about the historic inauguration of President Barack H. Obama and at the end it stated, “Yes We Did!” This message is only three words long; it may not seem huge, but the words are very powerful. For someone to proclaim “Yes We Did” means that we have resolved the daunting tasks affecting our country.
The problem that I have with this statement is that it is sending the incorrect message to our society. It is stating that we have accomplished our mission and that no further problems will arise after this. One thing that the media does not understand (or they do and are feeding off of it) is that they are not painting the wrong picture for our country. This radio station is intended for young, urban listeners (Hip-Hop and R&B); many of these individuals are part of the “Need it Now” society. These individuals are given false hope into believing that everything is great and there are no more worries because, “Yes They Did.” They will believe that their voice is truly heard until something goes wrong, or their requests aren’t met. I do not appreciate the fake that this radio station is feeding into the ignorance of society by stating that the battle is done and there is no more work to do.
We have to look at this historic event as just one brick that we have laid to solidify our foundation. The job is not complete; the brick wall is not complete. There is still more work to be done and I appreciate the fact that President Obama has been honest and upfront with us about the fact that we all have to work in unison in order to rebuild and fortify our country. Let us look at the words of our new president and appreciate the honesty behind them. As President Obama stated, “The problem will not be fixed in a short span of time, but it will be met;” “there are no more short-cuts; no more leisure over work;” “there is no more standing pat; we will all begin the work of remaking America;” and “it is time to lay a new foundation.”
Let us forget the ignorant ways of the media and listen to our Commander in Chief, because it is not “Yes We Did,” it is “Yes We Can!” We cannot just stand around and think that our part is complete. There is still much work to do and we all need to unite together to accomplish the task at hand, one brick at a time. The job is nowhere near finished; look how long it took for Dr. King’s dream to shed some light!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The "Glass Ceiling" Challenge
Why do we envy people who are successful? There are many times where we look at the “fortunes” of other individuals and become frustrated at the fact that we do not have as much as other people. We live this life complaining about our misfortunes and our “bad luck” while also talking down on individuals that we encounter on an everyday basis. Read these questions and actually reflect and see when the last time that you asked or said such a thing was: A.) Look at the way (entertainer/actress/television personality) is dressed. Doesn’t he/she notice how ugly they look wearing that? B.) Why did he/she get that promotion instead of me? They were probably kissing up to the boss or talking bad about me to the higher-ups. I can’t stand him/her! C.) Nothing good ever happens to me! Why is it that all the good things always happen to the bad people?
Many people have thought these questions internally or different variations of it. They do not understand that these envious thoughts will never allow you to be successful in life. You will be angry at the world around you because you are never given what “you deserve.” I would personally like to issue a challenge to each and every person who has the opportunity to partake in it: Try to look at your life in a different perspective (for at least one day). Stop complaining about how bad your life or situation is at this moment. Stop worrying about the “fortunes” that every other person has and start caring about yourself. Throughout the day, look at yourself (every action, every word, every expression that you use) as if you were narrating your own story. Have something available to jot down how you react to everything that you come in contact with as soon as it happens; be it a traffic jam, the wind blowing in your face, someone else showing excitement or grief over a certain situation. At the end of the day, review your notes and analyze your responses (negative and positive) to each situation. This will help you realize that there are many situations, big or small, that you respond negatively to. Once you realize this, the only thing left to do is work on minimizing the negative responses and maximizing the positive responses.
I would hope that every one of you would try this, but I do understand that you have to be personally motivated to do so. The reason I am asking you to do this is because I can feel the pain and agony in most of your souls that cries out for success and happiness. I do believe that it can be the first step into receiving all of the “fortunes” that are available to you. I would also like to emphasize the fact that the “fortunes” I speak about are in quotations because I am not talking about billions of dollars, even though I know that most of you will be able to attain a grand amount of monetary wealth through positive motivation. “Fortune” for one person is not the same for another; some will feel satisfied and accomplished by a loving family, others by traveling throughout the world. I believe that you will achieve your “fortunes” (whatever it may mean to you) once you truly take the time out to find yourself and your purpose in life. Remember to leave your comments and insight on the ways that you were positively affected by the challenge. Your successful accomplishments will motivate everyone else to do the same. Like always, I am always just a “Send Message” click away if you need me. Live life to its fullest, one day at a time!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Stay Positive A.K.A. The Cheese Steak Chronicles
Is there possibly a way to always see the glass as half full? How is it possible? How can we live our life full of happiness and joy with so much turmoil all around us? It is very simple; you have to always stay positive. A positive mind frame will help you get through the “drama” that unfolds in our everyday life. Like I stated in my previous writings, we will never achieve true happiness if we constantly walk around hovered by a cloud of negativity. I know you might think, “Come on man, that’s some bull! You don’t know everything that I am going through. It’s easy to say it but when you are going through a tough situation, you will see the reality!” Well actually, I have lived through rough situations and am actually going through one right now but that does not mean that I will not have a positive mind frame. I quit some high paying jobs (which actually brought extreme stress into my life), I was unemployed for most of 2008 with a one year old daughter and a newborn son, I currently have two part time jobs, went back to school full-time (mostly on student loans), and am in jeopardy of getting some possessions reposed. My life isn’t easy but I don’t live ever second in stress and depression about what is going happen to me or my kids. I know deep down inside that everything happens for a reason and all will fall into place when the time is right! So when I tell you to stay positive, I am not being a hypocrite who has his life set and all is well!
This motivational piece came about through an interesting conversation I had with a co-worker. Through this conversation I learned that anything that we encounter in life can help us change our negativity and allow us to Stay Positive. We were talking about a multitude of things, mostly revolving around positive energy and some things from my previous pieces (like Everything is Possible and there is no reason to be angry or negative). You would think that I motivated her to stay positive through these conversations, wouldn’t you? Well during a break in our positive energy conversation we spoke about food and a local mall (Newport Mall). Out of nowhere, I told her, “Wow you just made me think about the best cheese steaks around here at The Steak Escape in Newport Mall.” She then explained to me the fact that she never had a cheese steak before and I sarcastically insisted that she would never be complete until she ate a cheese steak. The conversation and my work day ended without me knowing that the wheels of positivity were in motion.
The next day when she came into work, she stated to me that the “Cheese steak conversation” took on a life of its own and she felt the urge to ask everyone she spoke to yesterday, “Have you ever had a cheese steak?” She stated that some of her conversations were about negative issues in her life but through she was able to overlook them by just thinking about the “Cheese steak conversation.” Instantly, a bulb shined in my head and I told her, “Damn I’m good! Just kidding, but seriously that is crazy how my statement about a cheese steak helped you be positive the entire day.”
Sometimes I write these motivational pieces as a way to motivate myself and all of you through some various insights into a different mindset. While doing this, I forgot that my light-hearted and funny side also does that without me even trying to force the issue. Simply, what I am trying to say is that we have to understand that our lives should not be overpowered by our negative feelings and that cloud that follows us everywhere. You don’t have to go to an expert (e.g., therapist, psychologist) to find your positive mind frame. You have the power to unlock that mind frame within yourself. The only thing that you need to do is let go of the fear of letting go and taking control of your life. You run your life; you can and are always making a choice. You can choose to be positive and see all of the good things that life brings you or you can stay negative and stay with the constant anger, depression, and dis-ease that hovers over you. Just remember that the choice is yours; “The ball is in your court!” Remember to leave your comments and insight to the topic because WE motivate each other. Like always, I am always just a “Send Message” click away if you need me. Live life to its fullest, one day at a time!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Everything is Possible!
“You can’t do it!” “I don’t know if I could get this done.” “I’m not smart/strong/cool enough to do that!” Sound familiar? Every day we live our lives in doubt of what we are capable of. We are always negative of ourselves and the world around us. This creates a mentality that believes that we are not “good enough” to accomplish our goals or anything that we set out to do in life. It also creates an environment around us that motivates us to stay in that mentality and never get away from it. I have wasted many years of my life in this mindset. I didn’t really play sports because I thought I wasn’t good enough. I never had a true career path because I thought that I was not particularly good at one thing or the other. My friends always said they wanted to be a cop or they wanted to be a pro athlete but I could never say, “I want to be a (this profession or that profession) when I grow up,” because I didn’t believe it. I now believe that anything in this world is possible and you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.
A good compare and contrast between the “not good enough” mentality and the “everything is possible” mentality is the conversation I had about the famous event that occurred on November 4, 2008. At around 7:45 p.m., I was sitting down watching CNN’s coverage of the elections and my mother happened to walk by. She told me “Why are you watching this? Obama is not going to win. The other guy is going to win and this place will get worse.” The only reply that I had was, “Don’t be so negative. Just watch and see.” She left and the next morning I told her, “You see, you can’t always be driven by what has happened in the past. Once you know that anything is possible you will see the difference around you.” This conversation could have been about anything, sports, the health of a relative, etc., and the outcome would have been the same. If you believe there is such a thing as failure, death, etc. then that is what will be shown to you. Luckily, I sparked a seed of awareness in my mother’s head and made her realize that erasing negative thoughts brings happiness into your life.
You can shift away from the “not good enough” mentality and move closer to the “everything is possible” mentality. It might not happen overnight but once you truly believe it, you will see the change in your life. I believe that many of us have been thrown into the “not good enough” mental state by our society and the way that we were brought up. Generations of individuals have been raised to be negative and not believe that they are capable of achieving their goals. I know you are probably thinking: “I hear about those people all of the time, they are so horrible. They tell their kids things like ‘You are good for nothing’ or they physically, emotionally, and mentally abuse their children. I don’t know why they have children in the first place.” Those are the extreme cases, but there are other situations and you probably have been through one of them in your lifetime and don’t even know about it. How many times were you told by a parent that you couldn’t do this/that because it was too dangerous (Not going out late at for drinks and a drive around time, but small things like going on a roller coaster or indoor rock climbing)? When you were a baby, did your parents have you in the “sheltered” play pen all day so you wouldn’t get hurt? Don’t look only at the extreme situations where this mentality is formed; look also at the subtle situations that might creep into your mind and make you question your potential.
One person in this “physical” world has helped me see that there is no limit to what you can achieve in this world. I look at her as a symbol of the limitless potential that is inside each and every individual in this world. I have seen the truth to this limitless potential through her actions and her “everything is possible” mentality. She has proved to me that the “not good enough” mentality that haunts each and every one of us (some more than others) can be erased and we can all wake up to realize our true potential and the fact that we are all capable of achieving anything that we set out to achieve. This person is my daughter. Now I know what many of you are thinking: “Joel you seriously have issues. Your daughter is not even two years old. How could she possibly possess the “everything is possible” mentality?” She possesses that mentality because she has not been manipulated by feelings, negativity, or people who try to enforce the “not good enough” mentality. She is, as the phrase states, “Free as a bird.” She knows no limits or boundaries and only knows how to enjoy life one second at a time. That is the mentality that we all have deep down inside it. Once you find the key, you can open the doors to the “everything is possible” mentality and never have to look back. I hope this writing has helped you become more aware of the potential that you have inside you and also raise your desire to unleash that potential. Remember to leave your comments and insight to the topic because WE motivate each other. Live life to its fullest, one day at a time!Friday, January 2, 2009
Why are we So Serious?
I watched the movie “The Dark Knight” this past weekend and saw it in a different light than many people may have seen it. It made me look into myself and wonder the exact question asked by the Joker, “Why So Serious?” Why is it that we are so serious on a daily basis? Why do we get angry about every little situation that occurs? Why do we let our worries and concerns consume our lives and affect the way that we live? I can honestly say that I do not have the answer for the reasons behind these feelings in everyone else, but within myself I realized that these feelings ran my life because I let it get to me. I would like to share it with you to see if anyone can relate and to motivate others to move away from these unnecessary feelings.
I continuously stressed about work and money; I always told myself “What am I going to do if I lose this job? I can’t lose this job because I won’t have enough money to support my family. I worked so hard to get everything that I have and don’t want to go back to having nothing!” I felt like I would lose my life if I would ever lose the job I had. I took everything seriously and lost my humorous, down-to-earth self. I let my feelings and possessions consume me instead of just living my life and enjoying each moment as it went by. This led to sour relationships, turmoil within family members, destroyed friendships and business opportunities. My feelings created a wall that blocked any inner peace or happiness from entering. I felt trapped and suffocated to a point where I was so stressed out and had a panic attack. I thought to myself, “There has to be a way out. Someday I am going to get out of this mess and be a true success in life.” I had a “plan” to escape the pain of the lower-class/stressed filled structure that I was stuck in for most of my life. I thought that I could escape the structure by making a lot of money and having many items (e.g., clothes, shoes, and electronics). I never actually realized that this “plan” was created by my feelings like concern and fear that I would never have enough to support myself and later on, my children. Of course, the “plan” never came true and I was stuck with the same fears that had never actually gone away. This brought with it stress and anxiety, which is actually negative energy, that caused me to get sick and end up with high cholesterol and other medical issues.
Around this time last year I was in, most likely, the worst possible situation that I could ever be in. I had the issue with my cholesterol, severe bronchitis (on the verge of becoming pneumonia), I was filled with stress and anxiety (which felt like I was carrying Mt. Everest on my back), and had lost a new job with Verizon. I was an unemployed father of a 7 month old, with another kid on the way, who did not know what the future had in store. I could not find a job because of the Recession (which was allegedly not going on at the time) and had to take unemployment for the time being. In the following weeks something came over me and the feelings that were running my life began to disappear little by little. I would have to give much credit to my daughter for this shift in my attitude towards life because she helped me live in the Now. Through her I realized that I have to appreciate every second as if it is my last and I began to realize that I have to live in the present moment and not worry about the past or the future. I realized that the only way to make a meaningful future, for myself and everyone around me, would be to live every moment as it comes to you. What I am trying to say is that you have to stop stressing, being angry, or worrying about every little detail and just enjoy your life as it comes to you.
What Motivates You?
**This is my first, of many, installments in a series of writings aimed to motivate each and every one of you out there (including myself). A special thank you to everyone who I have ever interacted with in this journey that I call life. This opportunity would never be possible without you all. I will be waiting to hear feedback in order to create more strong and positive discussions. Understand that whenever you need someone to just listen to your concerns, without judgment, bias, or repercussions, I am always around! Live healthy, happy, and respectful to everyone, most importantly yourself!**
Ask this question to many young Americans and what will the response be: “MONEY!” But why is this? Why do we only care about money and buying the “newest things out?” Money is necessary in life to pay for a roof over your head, the clothes on your back, and food on your table. The rest are just products that are not really necessary for you to live your life and be happy. I am not saying that it is wrong to buy other products only that they are not necessary for you to truly be happy and successful. I had a powerful and passionate discussion with some co-workers and heard many exclusive comments that only included those who believed that money was necessary and the reason for happiness in this world. I felt this would be a great opportunity to give some insight on my opinions. I say this because whenever I talk to someone in person about my opinions, all I hear is “You can’t think like that!” or “You are such a liar! You have to have these feelings and you have to want money!”
The discussion began when one co-worker stated her stressed out state of mind because of her debt. As I heard her complaints, the only thing that I could sense was the fact that she created this debt through purchasing items that she “needed” (e.g., shoes, clothes, jewelry). The discussion then turned into a bashing of my particular views and the fact that I believe that your life does not have to revolve around money. I explained to her that money does not make you, it does not justify who you are. The response that I received was: “Yes it does because if you don’t have money, nice clothes, or a nice car, no girl will want to be with you!” Now most of you know me and one thing that you all know is that I have none of the above. I am a 24 year old, average looking, father of two who has been loved and appreciated because of who I am and not what I have. Therefore, that statement is not valid; it does not portray every person on this earth.
With that said, we come to the message that I want to get across: Money is not a motivator; it should not be your main focus in life. Living your entire life chasing the “Almighty Dollar,” worrying about having enough money, building a vicious cycle of debt will never bring you to true happiness and satisfaction. Worrying, stressing, anger, and all other feelings will keep the true motivator, you, hidden. You need to understand that the true answer to the question what motivates you is: Yourself!
I know what you are thinking: “Damn Joel you are full of s**t!” Do you really think that I do not know what I am talking about? I lived my childhood poor and never having the newest things out like everyone else. So when I finally started working all I cared about was the money and being able to have everything like the rest of my friends. I lived my life from the age of 16 through the age of 23 motivated by MONEY! Do you know what that brought me? Bills, stress, medical, emotional, financial, and relationship problems. Do you see happiness or tranquility in that list? After some great insight from a powerful mentor, I realized what the problem was; money was my substitute for happiness and love. I believed that I would be happy and others would love me as long as I always had money and items to prove it. The truth is that the love and happiness never came; I did not find true happiness until I looked inside myself.
I realized that the best way to motivate yourself is to first look inside yourself, find your true self, and then you will find the keys to happiness and success. Always believe that you can make of life what you want to; you can succeed in everything that you do if you believe this. Live life to its fullest, one day at a time.